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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Symptoms of High Acetylcholine Levels (Symptoms/Signs of Excess Acetylcholine)

Before I get into the grain of this article, I'd just like to point out that the only formal, similar article, over there on MindRenewal.US' , has been on there, on top-ranking results of Google, for over 20+years with no contestment. The issue with it, and though I appreciate the effort, is that the basis of the article is two specific sources that all relate back to Depressive disorders, and some of the symptoms listed are either garbled in their ''sources'' , where they are unlikely to be found, or clearly not even within those sources nor an extension of them. Instead, some of the 'symptoms' they list seem to be a result of internal bias, and jumpy conclusions which may be abrogated if countersourced. 

Let me also say that what is ''high'' acetylcholine, may not be sufficient for another individual, due to genetic and receptor-concentration related differences. Some may have no side-effects or symptoms from raising acetylcholine x10 (!)... 

In fact, elevated acetylcholine levels may produce no symptoms in a vast majority of individuals. Elevated acetylcholine is not guaranteed by any means to produce negative effects, and acetycholine produces different effects depending on the circumstance, and even the environment (!!)...

With that being said, let's get this show (or rather, lesson) started.

~Physical Symptoms of Excessive Acetylcholine~

  • Bradycardia (Low Heart Rate) (1) (2) (3)
  • Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure) (4) (5)
  • Hypersalivation (abnormal abundancy of saliva) (6) (7)
  • Excess Sweating (8) (9)
  • Tearing: Frequent, Spontaneous, Unusual Tearing (also known as lacrimation..) (10) (11) (12)
  • Hypo or Hyperthermia (low or high body temperature, feeling cold or feeling Hot) (13) (14)
  • Weak Muscles (15) (16)
  • Muscle Spasms, or little twitchy sensations underneath the skin that resemble bugs being underneath (!See Here!) (18) (7)
  • Itching, especially contact itching, such after exposure to external influences of hot or cold water, mold, grass, dust, ticks, and other outside/wilderness influences (19) (20) (21)
  • Frequent Nausea, or Incredible (Remarkable) Susceptibility to Motion & Sea Sickness [!] [!-!]

Mental Health Effects of High Acetylcholine

  • ..Depressive Like Behavior (22) (23) 
  • Anhedonia (24) (25)
  • Spaciness & Passivity (Blank-Mind, no particular thoughts in Mind, lack of Zest for Life) (26) (27) (28)
  • Increased Display of Distaste / Voicing of Distaste (increased blunt behavior, objective aversion and in some ways, animated behavior) (29) (30)
  • Impulsivity (31) (32)
  • Over-thinkin' it (Overthinking a simple situation, or analyzing past what is necessary, even for an ordinary task) (33) (34) (35)
  • An Occasional or Frequent Master of Redirection (Good at redirecting conversations, or diverting the current topic, or simply distraction) (36) (37)
  • Intellectually Dominant, but Poor Common Sense (similar to the low norepinephrine Profile) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43)..
  • Agitation associated with Dysphoria (more prone to Agitation due to Dysphoria) (44) (45) (46)




  1. Any natural ways like herbs or supplements that can lower acetylcholine??

    1. That's a tricky one ToneTida, I'm not entirely sure what would have that effect that isn't in the pharmaceutical category, but I DO know that Wellbutrin has some anti-nicotinic effects, but that will just cause the receptors to upregulate, eventually.

      Let me know if you find anything!

      Given that acetylcholine shares an important interpersonal relationship with GABA, my best guess would be use something that increases GABA, that would lower acetylcholine ''firing'' at least a little bit. So something like L-Lysine which enhances GABA and inhibits 5-HT4-serotonin activity, 5-HT4 serotonin receptors promote Acetylcholine release so...

      Here's some studies to read into.


  2. Thanks for your reply. I'm using Lysine per your recommendation and it's seems to be working a little. Your good!! I also found a study on PubMed that says CBD lowers acetylecholine. The only problem is I would like to down-regulate my ACh receptors if possible. Do anticholinergics like benadryl down regulate ACh over time?

    My acetylcholine activity is up regulated in my amygdala from long term benzo use.(I think) I stopped benzos over 2 years ago and I still have anxiety, and trouble sleeping with way to much vivid dreaming.(REM) As soon as I close my eyes I go right into REM dreaming. And from what I can find from my research is that REM is controlled by acetylcholine. The intense dreaming wakes me up with bad anxiety and then I have trouble falling back asleep again.

    Anytime I take herbs that boost acetylcholine, like ashwagandha or choline itself, insomnia, brain fog, and anxiety get really bad.

    Sorry for the long post. Thanks for your help.

    1. Yeah that sounds like excessive Acetylcholine to me, have you looked into WHY you have those high levels though? Maybe a gene polymorphism particularly on AChE?

      AChE and Genes/Polymorphisms Research

      I am not aware of anything that specifically downregulates ACh receptors in a way that wouldn't be harmful, and I don't think Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) would have that effect, because it blocks acetylcholine to some extent, it may even upregulate them...thus I'd be careful attempting stuff like that as most times, when you block a receptor you have a chance of it resensitizing spontaneously or upregulating.

      Now, with serotonin receptors it is somewhat the opposite particularly with 2A/2C receptors where when you stimulate OR block them they downregulate, but with pressure on other receptors like alpha-1-adrenergic etc they simply become more sensitive after blockade, depending on the duration and 'force' or potency of blockade.

      So blockade is only ideal for some situations involving some receptors, and I don't believe acetylcholine is one of those situations.

      Dopamine is a negative regulator of Acetylcholine at the D2-receptor {}, but the problem is agonizing the autoreceptors will make your mood worse in the short-term and long-run. Dopamine agonists also have only so much benefit, and using them for a super long period of time is not advisable unless you are ready to follow a dopamine-receptor recovery protocol such as this one :

      If I think of any other ways I'll let you know. :)

    2. ToneTida,

      I have the exact same issue! I avoid anything that promotes choline. On Lexapro and Xanax and gabapentin. This and the Ray Peat forums are giving me the hope to titrate down. My dopamine levels are shot from this and past amphetamine abuse.

  3. I found a study on PubMed that says 5-HT1B receptor activation lowers acetylcholine release. Do you know of any natural supplements that activate 5-HT1B receptors?
