Best Testosterone Booster of 2018

Monday, September 29, 2014

Natural ACE Inhibitors for High Blood Pressure Treatment & A Comparison of Blood Pressure Reducing Chemicals

So natural is of course becoming more and more popular, and for good reason - nature knows best. This is also true for blood pressure control, and nature has some very nicely put together ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) inhibitors.

First off, what are the benefits of ACE inhibition as opposed to beta blockade or alpha blockade?

Well for one, they are less likely to cause fatigue and hormone disturbances.

Beta blockers work by reducing sympathetic outflow; that's a fancy way of saying they reduce adrenaline production.

However, in the signaling cascade that would normally go with beta activation, testosterone and other hormones are also produced, therefore beta blockers can cause sexual dysfunction and decreases in testosterone levels. For this reason, among others, betablockers are shunned.

Alpha blockers while safer, are usually only recommended in those who don't respond well to beta blockers, have chronic stress and / or a pheochromocytoma - an adrenaline secreting tumor. In which case, beta blockade would shift adrenaline to the far more dangerous alpha 1 receptor, and given the already designed excess of these chemicals in such a condition - sets the person up for a heart attack or uncontrollable blood pressure spikes.
                          {REFERENCE 1}
                          {REFERENCE 2}

Beta blockers and alpha blockers both share fatigue and possible sexual dysfunction as a result - though alpha blockers are regarded to generally improve sexual function as opposed to beta blockers...they can still cause it - and can blunt the orgasm response.

Beta blockers have in some instances caused delirium, hallucinations even, and in some cases, other forms of psychosis.(!)

Now while some pharmaceutical ACE inhibitors can have negative effects on adrenal steroid production, this doesn't seem to be the case with natural ones - probably because they work in rhythm with your body and not against it. All of the natural compounds are more readily used and recognizable by your body. Herbs are basically food after all. A fancy vegetable, so to speak.

Well let's get to the good stuff now. 

The first natural ACE inhibitor is actually triple mechanism, but is primarily an ACE inhibitor - and this would be HAWTHORNE BERRY EXTRACT...

The next natural ACE inhibitor is more well known, and is also very protective on nitric oxide - as opposed to many HBP chemicals - in fact , some bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have been using pomegranate extract and drinking pomegranate juice to help enhance the pump before workout. It can also synergize quite nicely with other N.O boosting products such as L-arginine and citrulline.

                          {REFERENCE 1}
                          {REFERENCE 2}
                         {REFERENCE 3}

I recommend the following pomegranate supplement for high blood pressure and natural ACE inhibition.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Natural / Herbal GABA-A Antagonists (Blockers)

Another under-appreciated topic, and one that needs to be addressed in an easily searchable manner.  GABA is the principle inhibitory neurotransmitter in human and mammalian brains and central nervous system.  Excess GABA may lead to depression, apathy and low energy levels, as well as possibly a low libido as well. As such, I have decided to dig up information for those looking to find alternatives to pharmaceutical preparations.

GABA-A is generally more significant in terms of it's effects on cognition as well; and so GABA-A specific antagonists may enhance cognitive function.

This may represent a good portion of the nootropic effects from the following herbs.

Keep in mind that blocking GABA-A does NOT eliminate all of the effects of GABA, but rather in itself, shifts GABA to GABA-B receptors which have anti-stress and some pro dopamine effects.  Depending on the concentration of GABA.

Well let's get to the real stuff, shall we?

The first and most prominent natural GABA-A blocker/antagonist is known as KUDZU. It is present in many natural hangover treatments and to help guard against the desire for alcohol consumption.  It is benzodiazepine site specific. The active chemical that does this is known as "Puerarin".                                                                     (REFERENCE)

Product can be bought for a good price below and I highly recommend it myself.

The second natural herbal GABA-A antagonist is more of a current blocker but it is quite effective at doing this.  It's a very common herb that I think most have heard of; GINKGO BILOBA.

This would help explain some of it's stimulant and nootropic effects.

click here now

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Call to Perseverance : Handling Setbacks & Personal Battles

As people we know well that setbacks ofterntimes engulf us with worry, narrow-sightedness and even instability. As a people we know that one person's feelings can affect the next person over, and the next group over, and...even those we don't know.  It does not demonstrate weakness to show our emotions, but it demonstrates a lack of awareness to let someone abuse our times of weakness and pain.  At the same time, it takes a certain attitude, a certain strength to be able to open up, to trust another and to move forward in the face of a setback. (especially when another co-worker, a spouse or family member facilitated or contributed) This my friends is the art of perseverance, holding onto some grain, some little thread of hope, even in the face of tragedy, loss or rejection.

Some of us are often tempted to go so far against the grain, after a setback, that we become too aggressive - not realizing that we are becoming no less than a pulsating negativity, one that dwells in likely the same negativity we have encountered that set us off.

Because we as humans tend to blame others, in the times of loss - we have become emboldened, but separated.  We now interpret hypervigilance as wisdom, and pity as confidence.  In the balance of things, we wish for a universal solution - one that could bring everything back that we have lost, or that could provide a perfect refresh. We start travelling the road of dishonor, and in division we are conquered.  Conquered by our vanity, and immersed in the wrong details.  We shift from being people lovers, to material lovers, and in this, we further destroy our own sense of being.

But...what if there is one strength that is a representation of our willingness to move forward, even in darkness?  Lack of knowledge, not knowing where to go and not having a plan, it startles us, but it's tough to find that plan out of nothing. Except, that the fragments of ourselves hold the answers, whatever allowed us to become successful, whatever gave us life and meaning in the first place are the very things we begin to ignore.

As a people, this destroys us, it gives rise to the same aura that affected us, even if not from a person.
So how do we re-boot after loss, or setbacks? Moreover how do we become a winner again in the story of life, without having some degree of patience to start?

Well, we have to find the patience within ourselves, even if we do not believe it exists.  We have to envelop our heart and our mind in determination, and perhaps look in other directions. In all of this, just one little start we feel parts of ourselves again, but are afraid to build up something that might be destroyed again.  But we had perseverance before? If we didn't then we would have never made it forward in the first place....

We have to hold an image of sincerity, and take pride in that image, knowing that even if others are not doing it, or are in bliss by our destruction, that we may take up a better honor than them, that we have chosen to be the better of people.

We must not blame people for our setbacks, be it financial, personal or spiritual. We must cling to the hope and perseverance that got us even one step forward, even far in the past, and take and TRANSFORM those elements.  True strength lies in the one who dreams and aspires, but the strongest ability, comes to those who persevere. The strongest people are at some point doubters, but they refuse to be beaten, they refuse to  give in to the negativity that is ever so prevalent in today's society. They refuse to be sucked in to the antagonistic, elemental stampede that comes from a narcissistic co-worker, or boss. The brave and courageous take note of disturbances, but somehow always find some degree of part in themselves that they will reveal here and there. The wise rise with humility, and take a deep breath before beginning to explore again.

This is a call to perseverance, this is the nature of handling setbacks; the spirit of victory.

 You will either be honored as a victor of hearts, or you will become consumed by the shallow enigma of this world. I believe there are many people, many intelligent people who have many abilities more than they let themselves see, if they set fear aside, these same people are the ones who have all the power.

Know yourself and hold onto your values, because when the time comes to apply them, you must tackle the opportunity, and hopefully, obtain twice as much as you did before. This is strength, to create motivation out of despair, to continue to dream, or dream differently. In all of this we can continue as noble humans, refusing to give up, and knowing there will at some point be opportunities down the road - we just have to look for them. In the meantime,  just hold fast to your values and press on forward, revert the onset of closed-mindedness, and take great pride in your values and person.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Corruption of the Day and the Peace of the Night : Night Owls

Many night owls are very intelligent people, in fact studies show that night owls and even insomniacs are more intelligent people - and though for some, the reasons have relation to anxiety - the manifestations are often based on a superior electric output. Night Owls frequently have a "racing mind" and even some slight paranoia.
However, this is a good thing in some instances, because it represents analytical thinking and the ability to be productive at the quietest times. Likewise, daytime is seen as an excessively busy day to these individuals, and to cut the noise and refrain from interaction - most night owls stay away from the perceived chaos of daytime. Philosophers have even been known to enjoy the night. 
(1)            (2)             (3)            (4)         (5)      (6)          (7) 

For this reason I refer to this slightly disturbed biological phenomenon as ......"The Corruption of the Day and Peace of the Night".

A humble metaphor, but to the point.

Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill, James Joyce and a few other philosophers / analyticals were said to be Night Owls. Yet they maintained such a degree of consistency in their work, and pursued great success - often in overdrive during "quiet hours".

The idea of this biological rhythm being a productive one, or the embodiment of deep thought, dates back even to Biblical Times - to where the night was the center of deep thought and meditation for prophets and Kings. Esther and many other chapters pointed this out.

Esther 6:1 ESV 

On that night the king could not sleep. And he gave orders to bring the book of memorable deeds, the chronicles, and they were read before the king.

The prophet Daniel was also one of these such philosophers, he was an intellectual and considered of the primary "wise men" of Babylon. He had received many dreams and visions during the night, and was frequently thinking, and praying at these times. Where then the most prominent solutions were felt. Daniel was able to reveal the secrets of the dreams that the king had, and spoke with great honor, without fearing, that his vision was correct - he took to being humble and of good spirit, even in times of great trouble.

Daniel The Prophet ; Bible Online 

There are both spiritual and biological factors, but research shows that many night owls have immense differences in their pineal gland function - and deficiencies or dysregulation of Melatonin and / or melatonin receptors. From a spiritual standpoint, instincts are given to those of good Faith, who bring forth their progress at night after meditating upon the unseen.

Interestingly, the pineal gland is the fruit of proving the existence of a higher power, and is frequently referred to as "God's Antenna".

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Reason why Most Relationships Don't Last (In-Depth Analysis)

So to all of you people who have been curious and want only the best explanation as to why your relationships don't last, haven't or to why you feel like they won't - only the greatest minds can't ever give you that answer. Seems like a paradox? Well the reason I say  this is because nobody can answer the questions FOR you, or for any specific person for that matter - you have to look within yourself and find out what you are missing and what you aren't doing, and not just what flaws are of your partner. 

I find that many people are lacking a sense of open-mindedness, and this is a strong issue. Second to that though, the emotions of people are generally so erratic, spontaneous and even radical - that this ends up causing instability, inevitably at some time throughout the relationship. 

 I can give an analysis along with some science, and some facts about overlooked reasons in addition to this.

I also find a few other prominent issues, and one of main issues is being unsure about oneself, and an unwillingness to discuss and communicate properly with their partner/spouse. This halts any progression as there are changes in each person's life, because one's life is changing, their career or etc is NOT an excuse to just abruptly "discontinue" or shut the other person out. If you value the relationship, assuming it had or has something genuine in it - then taking material values as a false sense of justification is ridiculous..

Even if you take a thousand justifications for these values, or your statement is "I wanna do me" or "I need to focus on myself" it not only represents the vain sense of narcissism so many have in this society, but it also shows a lack of communication in many cases, and is merely a diversion from working on those skills that one lacks. I'm not saying ALL cases, indeed, there are some where this may be necessary, and for all I know your partner might be more materialistic / artificial than you - in which case maybe the disconnect is a good thing, but if you are going to disconnect - then do it, and say it.

Mind games are immensely stupid - and for those who think it's "cool" or "trendy" to be a "player" ----- each their own but I find it to be a ridiculous concept that either indicates a lack of communication, a "running" personality, or at the worst level - a narcissist or psychopath.

Though for females in general it would seem this would equate to borderline personalities, except that there are some female don't think that only males play mind games.

It's this artificiality and superficiality in relationships that impedes long-term success, and with both people not knowing what they want or putting other values ahead of communication, it's no wonder that many relationships don't last.

Knowing your partner is the most important thing, but being fulfilled on fear, anger and abuse is the worst thing - and does not represent a healthy relationship.

That's not to say that bouts of anger are not going to be included, maybe even before compromise, and sometimes it might be necessary as it is a show of feeling and as such the discontent may in some cases, prompt a new overview of the relationship.

Another issue I see is the materialization - or de-spiritualization of sex and intimacy in relationships, people see it more today (especially in modern industrial societies) as an entitlement, compulsion or means for gratification - as opposed to a means of bonding, passion or spirituality. 

And although the above may not seem like an issue at first glance, science and the biology of human relationships would tend to disagree. It's another factor in the narcissistic spin wheel that LEADS to trust issues, and lack of communication - and just general dissatisfaction - oh the Irony.

For you see, chemically by turning sex into an unemotional and artificial act, you are actually decreasing the oxytocin release caused by it - and instead putting (eventually at least) tension in the's a feedback thing, and though not always immediate, the psychology is sound.

If you think to gratify without equality, you will surely hit an imbalance, if you think to rectify without your soul (or heart), you will surely lose it.

It also seems like a primary element in rocky, and unstable relationships is sometimes the act of smothering, and being too constraining for some individuals, however...I find that this is ALSO a communication issue - and instead of being open, people just delve with their emotions and move to a negative reaction on impulse.  
That being said, there are stalkers, and people who go too far with this as well, and in which case, this is not a healthy relationship either - as the negative and oppressive behavior would likely outweigh the benefit - however, I am NOT promoting labels or moreoever, the abuse of name-calling as some sort of false-justification either - especially to where there is no validity in it's application.


A relationship should be spiritual, and Liberating. It should not consist of tension, but compromise - not to say there won't be any tension - and part of making a relationship last is realizing and accepting that there will be some tension, and there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Perfection simply does not exist - on any level, though some may hope to think it does. This does NOT mean that the concept (or reality of) of "destiny mates" - "soul mates" or ultimate entities do not exist, but even these relationships aren't perfect, it's just that communication, level of understanding and connection is far greater in these, and above allpeople are willing to sacrifice and do what it takes at all costs to defend the relationship, without caring too much about what others think.

The Core of the greatest relationship is not one cherishing an illusion that everything is alright, but that honesty, communication, spirituality and liberation are the keypoints in the relationship. You should apt to and with all your heart support the person and go above and beyond in every way.

That being said, I do believe that some people are also chemically just "meant for each other" but this is a pretty rare phenomenon.

To fix a broken or compartmentalized relationship, or one that has been rough - you must go into the core of why it has been like this in the first place, go to the origins..the roots.

Figure out what started it (the issues), and repair how you know best, but compare what was better then, only to improve what is now.
Hopefully without stressing too much about it but with a determined mindset, all things are made possible. So take this mentality with you.

Be determined, legit, honest and involve yourself more than you would for anyone else - after all - isn't this the point of relationship? Giving more than you take?
Knowing the person you are with? Securing an entity not for selfish gain but to make your own legacy - not to brag about who you have as if they are some material or something..but cherishing the emotions you share and will share.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

All About "GABA" - Interactions, Analysis and Conclusions

        GABA is the primary inhibitory (calming) neurotransmitter in the Mammmalian / Human nervous system, in most areas it acts to inhibit glutamate release, and efflux of noradrenaline and dopamine(1).

                                                GABAergic Inhibition of Glutamate

However, GABA also has additional effects and in some instances may be mildly stimulating. GABA acts to regulate a number of other neurotransmitters, specifically decreasing serotonergic firing, and can be considered an additional factor in the neuroendocrine inhibition of cortisol, ACTH and prolactin(2) (3) (4) (5). Thus GABA deficiencies may result in stress related disorders, "simulated" stress responses and elevated prolactin levels. GABA also plays a role in growth hormone release, mainly increasing it(6).

GABA, like other neurotransmitters and neuromodulators can bind to a receptor to exert it's effects. In the case of GABA, there are two main receptor groups - GABA-A and GABA-B.

GABA-B seems to have a strong neuroendocrine role, and affects stress related responses, as well as having peripheral effects on muscle relaxation and contraction.

GABA-A has many sites, the target of drugs mainly being benzodiazepine sites - which help to produce relaxation (both neurological and muscular). GABA also has gamma,beta and alpha subtype sites, and neurosteroids play a large role in regulating these sites(7).

Pregnenolone, Cortisol, Opioids, Androgens and Estrogen..and many other hormones regulate GABA activity.

Cortisol seems to increase GABA at mild concentrations, whereas at higher concentrations it inhibits GABA activity (8) (9).

Allopregnenolone (a neurosteroid) affects GABA and acts to increase GABA-ergic opening and potentiation of Chloride influx, and thus may enhance the relaxing effects of GABA. However, pregnenolone itself may act to negatively modulate GABA in certain brain areas(10)(11).

Vitamin D also regulates GABA transmission, primarily to inhibit it in many brain regions(12) (13), but may yet increase it in others - mainly by indirect actions on serotonin by Vitamin D and it's steroidal metabolites(14)

Opioids and opioid agonists act primarily to inhibit and decrease GABA activity - thus if your question lies in why opioids cause anxiety - this may represent an important part of it(15).

Being that endogenous and exogenous opioid activity affects GABA in a negative manner, and yet also disturbs other neuroendocrine systems, such as sex hormone release and causing prolactin increases - opioid activity may in other ways decrease GABA as well - making opioids both an indirect and direct antagonist of GABA activity(16) (17).

~Guardian X Lifestyles OMNISCIENTI (New Version 2014) Review~ {AREA-1255}

So the updated version of Omniscienti has me impressed, to say the least. I was a little skeptical of Adrafanil being taken out at first, but the increases of other ingredients (Centrophenoxine & Colouracetam) have offered a great compensation. 
The stimulant effects of these two ingredients are quite strong as well, and overall the clarity and mental focus I've experienced on the new version seems to be better channeled.

WORKOUTS : Strength is still getting increases on the new formula. 

  •         I've noticed that it seems to have not just a neuromuscular strength increase, but it helps place the kind of tunnel vision needed to go through with the workout, leaving all distractions to fade away.
  • Also I much appreciate the pump enhancement, I Can NOT attribute it to the L-arginine I took because I take this and many other amino suppplements every day, so it's very obvious that Omni can enhance the effects of L-Arg. Most probably via the increases in acetylcholine which then enhances nitric oxide synthase enzymes.
  • Besides mental clarity, creativity is also increased on this product. With no decline from the old product, that means that the primary creative sparks MUST** come from the Centrophenoxine and / or other ingredients.
  • I expect more results with time and will report back with my findings later on.

  • Definitely getting more effects by the day, this product builds up.
  • I've had time to re-examine a lot of things in my life, and this product seems to really help facilitate collective thinking.
  • Clarity and Broad view, with some of the mental chatter calming down I find this to be a very strong, but strangely stimulating product.
  • Not in a manner like Caffeine - a much clearer focus.
  • Also had another very productive gym day, and I can say again, this product DOES seem to increase strength and ESPECIALLY focus.

  • Feeling much more philosophical on this & noticing vivid dreams, didn't take it past 6 either.  O.o
  • Strength and focus as well as rep capacity is seeing increases.
  • Focused, on-task, and drawing/sketching more often.
  • Noticing quicker short term recall.
  • Slight tachycardia today but then again I was lifting a lot!
  • General sense of everything being in order.
  • Finding new views and an enhanced sense of curiosity.

  • Nothing too much more to report, just a very consistent clarity and enhanced creativity.  Ideas are flowing much better and I am seeing a new light in a lot of things.
  • Taken with the right dose of caffeine, it can help increase focus and you can work better on less sleep. Noticed this a couple times when I only got 5 hours of sleep the night before.
  • Taste buds are much better, and sense of smell is very strong.
  • Can help increase the motivation to workout, and still seeing strength increases. Could be from a lack of hesitation in between sets....less room to get distracted and staying on task easier.

  • Getting the enhanced sense of smell, taste buds, and everything seems brighter.
  • Intellectual overdrive!
  • Curiosity , zest, and exploration x5 !
  • Very clear thinking on this!

  • Continuing spirals of creativity, and immense focus.
  • Definitely enthusiasm increases, and desire to explore in the same enthusiasm.
  • Better short-term memory as well, and feeling a strong desire to expand knowledge in many categories.
  • Bravely enhanced sense of smell, and an overall zest for everything!
  • Everything seems brighter and positive.


  • Going to summarize this a bit, so I loaded at first with 4 capsules the first few days, now I am down to two a day. Still getting the effects and they are still very pronounced. 
  • Definite long-term effects, the stuff builds up and gives you insight and energy in broad ways!
  • Enhanced neuromuscular strength, pumps and endurance are all positives.
  • No side-effects to report, taste buds and smell are enhanced as well.
  • On the days I took it with caffeine (150 mg) - I felt sharper than a tapered and fine tuned double edged sword ; both mentally and physically.
  • Strong sense of awareness, and even a euphoria at times, especially when with caffeine.


  • Final update.
  • I can honestly say this is the best "noot" - nootropic, I have ever taken.
  • It gives such a balanced clarity but in a very positive, and persistent way. It isn't stimulating in a jittery way, and although I thought taking this after adrafanil was taken out wouldn't leave much to expect, I was proven wrong by the compensation of other ingredients, and their corresponding increased dosages. The racetam combination with centro was genius, and I know that nobody has done this specific combination before, especially with galantamine as well.
  • The way this product works, is by potentiating acetylcholine production, transference and preventing it's breakdown, as well as with the other ingredients - there is also glutamate modulation and / or AMPA modulation. This helps to improve all aspects of memory, not just clarity, but long-term and short-term / active memory. Thus , this product is not imbalanced and focused on one narrow aspect of cognition like many nootropics.

The experience from this product is also that it enhances the senses, taste buds, smell, these all will be amplified about a week in or maybe sooner.... 

The neuromuscular strength increases on this product rival or surpass huperzine A + caffeine imHo. Very impressive.

No sleep issues, no side-effects...and overall just a very great product! I highly recommend Omniscienti, it's a reasonable price with a very exclusive combination of ingredients.

Friday, September 12, 2014

daMageZ PrimaForce Yohimbine Log (2014) {Area-1255}

Doing a Yohimbine HCL log from Primaforce taday, bruh.

First workout went well.




First Workout Went Well.


::: Cardio - 3 Miles :::
:::~7.5 MG Yoh~:::
Mild Stimulant Effect, Keep Logging.

Bench Press



  • Awesome workout today - Yohimbine gave a great pump and stim effect.
  • Also noticed some blazing mental clarity.
  • Strength definitely improves on this. 
  • Using it solo right now, without caffeine etc
  • Will use it with caffeine on Wednesday!
  • Hoping to lean out with this!


  • Drenched with sweat today, and never felt better. Love the endorphin rushes with Yohimbine products, and PrimaForce is an excellent purity so far.
  • Definite mental clarity boost, and it amplifies caffeine's effects.
  • Creativity was definitely "enhanced" today.
  • Super-Strength??? I pumped out extra reps on the bench, pull ups, and pushups !
  • I felt like I could run endlessly, definitely love the endurance boost!


  • Noticing a diuretic effect now as well.
  • Strength & Endurance still on the rise.
  • Not too much more to report but appetite is down for sure!


  • Well today I noticed a much stronger vasodilation effect, as noted with 3 hour wood & flush face. O.O
  • I did use 24mg on this go though.
  • Prominent libido enhancing effect.
  • Aerobic Capacity A+++
  • SWEATING like a bullet.
  • Body warming sensation!!

  • Definitely making progress and leaning out. Vascularity is still up.
  • Product can obliterate appetite.
  • Product reduces hesitancy in between sets.
  • Seems to alleviate asthma symptoms??
  • Strength and motivational increases....
  • Enhanced sense of smell?

                      FINAL UPDATE 10-2-2014

  • Lost 6 lbs and got cut up definitely faster than I would have on caffeine alone.
  • Amazing cardio endurance on this product and an unparalleled endorphin rush.
  • I was beyond inspired and had utmost creativity on this.
  • Extreme libido increases and markedly powerful vascular dilation.
  • Mental edge and needed aggression was increased with this product.
  • Witty thoughts came a lot clearer on this product.
  • Enhanced taste buds, smell and yet overall a decreased appetite!
  • All carb cravings went out the window.
  • Had less desire to eat dairy products and other stimulatory protein sources.
  • Strength increases,
  • Don't take this with any carbs, take on an empty stomach with water and start at 3 capsules, work up slowly as higher doses did give me tachycardia (fast heart rate).
  • Primaforce really won this one, excellent product!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Natural 5-HT1A Receptor Antagonists / Agonists / Ligands.

In my thorough (and somewhat exhaustive) research, I have come upon some particularly beneficial information. I have seen many people trying to find information on this topic, and it wasn't easy sifting through tons of information & studies in effort to compile an active list that can't be found on Wiki's 5-HT1A entry.

However now I have found what I believe to be the keys to what many of you search for.

A brief overview.

  • Serotonin 5-HT1A presynaptic autoreceptors inhibit serotonin release, and noradrenaline release on sympathetic nerve terminals. (!) (!)
  • Serotonin 5-HT1A agonists may decrease serotonin release, and this can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on your situation and genetics.
  • Serotonin POST-SYNAPTIC 5-HT1A receptors are largely involved in neuroendocrine responses; it is deemed to be (generally) the POST-SYNAPTIC 5-HT1A receptors that release cortisol, ACTH and prolactin as well as growth hormone.  (!) (!) (!)
  • 5-HT1A receptors also have differential effects on memory, with some functions serving to improve short term memory, and yet decreasing long-term memory and some declarative memory functions. (!) (!)
  • 5-HT1A PRESNYPATIC activation inhibits GABA in the PVN (Paraventrical Nucleus) projecting to the Spinal Cord. (!)
  • 5-HT1A POSTYNAPTIC are located on GABAergic interneurons. The effects of modulating GABA through this pathway would depend on the ratio of presynaptic vs PostSynaptic densities.  (!) (!) (!) (!)
  • 5-HT1A activation inhibits Substance P. (!) (!)
  • 5-HT1A activation also inhibits NMDA-channels and activity. (!)
  • 5-HT1A POSTSYNAPTIC activation increases noradrenaline in the hypothalamus. (!)
  • 5-HT1A receptors correlate with glutamatergic tone (generally inhibitory) and are well expressed in the hypothalamus. (!)

Natural (Herbal) Agonists and Expression Modulators of 5-HT1A Receptors


:: GINKGO BILOBA :: Reverses aging related decrease of 5-HT1A receptors and can act as a 5-HT1A agonist - which can improve some aspects of memory and modulate serotonin activity.

Natural HERBAL (5-HT1A Receptor Modulator/Antagonist)

I find this one especially interesting, it acts at PreSynaptic 5-HT1A's as an agonist; decreasing serotonin levels, but yet at the 5-HT1A Post-Synaptics, it inhibits the activity and decreases serotonergic tone yet again. This is likely to contribute to the compounds anxiolytic effects as noted in the study. Also may account for it's positive effects on LH, Testosterone and Cortisol. (!) (!) (!)

Although it may raise serotonin through other mechanisms (like MAO-inhibition and effects on sigma and transporters) - this might be a valuable tool in modulating the serotonergic system when combined with other ingredients. If you are looking to treat PSSD (Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) Berberine is of additional use in another way; besides it's effects on 5-HT1A receptors. It inhibits and downregulates PDE-5 (the same enzyme Viagra,Cialis etc Target).

( Berberine effect on PDE-5 mRNA Expression )

Berberine also has notable nootropic effects. (!)

NOTE : Berberine has also been found to exert an effect on other serotonin receptors, namely it antagonizes 5-HT4 receptors as well. Making it a suitable remedy for treating PSSD yet again. 5-HT4 serotonin receptors are anxiogenic (anxiety provoking) and contractile (constricting) - thus berberine improves vasodilation by dual serotonin and PDE-5 antagonism.

Binding of STW 5 (Iberogast) and its components to intestinal 5-HT, muscarinic M3, and opioid receptors.


Clinical studies with the fixed herbal combination product STW 5 (Iberogast) have indicated an efficacy comparable to metoclopramide (5-HT(3) antagonist) and cisapride (5-HT(4) agonist) in functional gastro-intestinal diseases like functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Since serotonin (5-HT(3) and 5-HT(4)) and muscarinic M(3) receptors are known to play a central role in the etiology of FD and IBS, the extracts contained in STW 5 and several of their phytochemical components were studied in vitro for binding affinities to these receptors of the intestine. STW 5 inhibited the binding of (3)H-GR113808 and (3)H-4-DAMP to 5-HT(4) and M(3) receptors, respectively, about 10 times more potently than the binding of (3)H-GR65630 to 5-HT(3) receptors. IC(50) values for STW 5 did correspond to extract dilutions of 1:1000 (M(3) binding) and 1:2000 (5-HT(4) binding). In addition, STW 5 also potently inhibited the binding to opioid receptors with an IC(50) value of 1:2000. Of the nine herbal extracts contained in STW 5, the fresh plant extract of bitter candy tuft (Iberis amara) selectively inhibited binding to M(3) receptors, while ethanolic extracts of celandine herb and chamomile flower were selective to 5-HT(4), and liquorice root to 5-HT(3) receptors. Binding affinities to human recombinant 5-HT(3), 5-HT(4) and M(3) receptors were qualitatively similar to those of the corresponding intestinal receptors. The benzylisoquinoline alkaloid berberine had significant inhibitory action on 5-HT(4) and M(3) binding, showing IC(50) values of 40 ng/ml (100 nM) and 200 ng/ml (500 nM), respectively, but is present in the extract of celandine herb only in traces, so that also for the celandine extract a cooperative effect of several phytochemical constituents can be assumed. These in vitro data indicate that 5-HT(4) (to a lesser degree 5-HT(3)), muscarinic M(3), and opioid receptors represent target sites for the treatment of FD and IBS with STW 5 (Iberogast).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

List of Serotonin Receptors and their Function

So many of you have seen my work in regards to other neurotransmitter discussions, and the neuroendocrine role of neuromodulator's such as histamine. However many questions that I've addressed in personal conversations, have now ignited my motivation to compile an easy list of what all the serotonin receptor subtypes do. 
What do the serotonin receptors do?

Are they all INHIBITORY? Can serotonin be stimulating ? Is it so linear that one simply needs to raise serotonin to alleviate a whole host of neurological conditions? Is serotonin some god-almighty chemical that everyone should aim to raise?

The answer to these questions are not to be found very easily, but I will tell you this - before even getting to the compilation I want to stress how ridiculous it is for someone to generalize the effects of a given neurotransmitter, and that is even more baffling (and depressing) that some people stay firm with a tunnel-vision that leads to many negative outcomes. 

Serotonin has more negatives than positives, especially in moderate to high amounts, and while some people derive benefit from tryptophan supplements and SSRI drugs - that vast amount of serotonin receptors have very negative neuroendocrine roles, which some not only causing an exaggerated stress response, but also initiating it.

The absurdity of one to believe that serotonin should be increased to a certain level, or that drugs that target serotonin receptors are the one "holy grail" to improving quality of life - is outrageous. 

It's stupid and it's narrow.

Serotonin does have some benefits, and deficient levels may lead to anxiety and certain forms of depression, however, high levels of serotonin produce a much more apparent and persistent depression; marked by extreme anhedonia and lack of interest in everything. Taste buds disappear, sense of smell and all motivation and zest is exiled into oblivion. (1) (2) (3)

This is going to be a long list, so bear with me.
Use the search function or Control + F if you want to find the effects of one particular subtype. Colors in text will indicate the element or attribute associated with that receptor, with darker colors indicating receptors with more transient and inhibitory effects. Brighter Colors indicate a primarily stimulating effect. 

I will try to simplify things in the end notes with as accurate a summary I can give to those with limited understanding of neuroscience terms.

 5-HT1A Receptors
-Decrease aggression. (4) (5)
-Pro-Social (6)
-Euphoric complimentary effects when dopamine is also raised.(7)
-Inhibition / Decreased Impulsivity (8)
-Inhibition of drug seeking behavior (both alcohol and stimulant cravings) (9) (10) (11)
***Facilitation of sex drive and arousal (?)(!)(12)(13)
Decreases Appetite, Diminishes Food Intake (14)
***Questionable, it may facilitate libido by means of serotonin reduction (as they are autoreceptors and would reduce serotonin by activating them, however the postsynpatic neuroendocrine effects inhibit penile erection induced by dopamine agonists (!)(!) - indicating a primary inhibiting role, at least in males)***
Though it seems plausible that it would increase bonding and play a strong role (positive) in the feelings of love and trust. 5-HT1A activation can increase oxytocin release. (!)


  • -Increases Beta-Endorphin Release
  • -Increases Prolactin
  • -Increases Cortisol, and ACTH
  • -Increases Oxytocin
  • Decrease Sex Hormones (due to above mechanisms)


  • Inhibits GABA activity in the PVN (ParaVentricalNucleus) and Spinal Cord (!)

::General Physiological Functions::

  • Decreases Blood Pressure and Heart Rate (!)
  • Decreases body temperature (!) (!)
  • Vasodilation of blood vessels in Skin. (^)(^)

5-HT1B Receptors (!) (!)


-Decrease Aggression (!)
-Decrease Exploratory Behavior (!)
-Decrease Excitation (!)
-Decrease need for Alcohol (!)


-Effect on Growth Hormone, Bone Formation and Osteoclasts
-Brain Vasoconstriction
