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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mechanisms of Tachycardia (Fast Heart Rate) and how to Counter-Act Both Drug-Induced Tachycardia and How to Spot 'Homeostatic Tachycardia'

First, it's important to note three things.
  1. These guidelines apply to mild - moderate cases at best and still should not replace the advice of a qualified Physician or M.D - they should not replace the advice of your own physician and / or should be discussed.
  2. The information is given in context and should be taken in that way - you should NOT assume one similar drug will apply to a statement that begins with another one. As there are many parameter's that may differ and alter the outcome such as half-lives and individual susceptibility.
  3. If you have any chronic disease state such as pseudoparkinsonism or Parkinson's, or an anxiety disorder - these guidelines may not be practical and thus you should thoroughly discuss any possible scenario yet again, with your physician. 

Let's get into the basic points of TACHYCARDIA. Tachycardia is a fast heart rate and is generally abnormal unless your 'fight-or-flight' response is kicked on by an unforseen stressor or some acute , sudden 'scare'. This would be a normal response; unless the heart rate persists long after the stressor dissipates or is dismissed. 

Tachycardia may be produced for one of two reasons. In many cases though, both reasons are present. 

  • LOW Blood Pressure; to balance out blood flow and oxygen delivery, abnormally low blood pressure may cause your heart rate to increase to balance circulation out and pump blood to the extremeties and wherever it is needed...

  1. When this happens, commonly you will also experience dizziness, lightheadedness, even fainting.... and the room may be spinning. You may experience nausea or sickness which  is unexplained by other reasons.
  2. You may experience difficulty concentration, or thinking clearly when blood pressure becomes very low - you may also experience 'lethargic anxiety' which  indicates you are anxious or irritable but yet tired and not 'traditionally over-active' as in manic...

  • The second reason for fast heart rate is SYMPATHETIC nervous system over-activity.... this can happen when under prolonged stress or when over-using certain stimulants... there is a certain 'second messenger' that is released which we will go into more in detail later. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) increases contractile force and rate of heart by activating conductance channels and influencing the heart's receiving of calcium ions. 
  1. When sympathetic over-activity or too much stimulant is used, you will experience anxiety, erratic behavior or delirium, switches from optimism or pessimism; but mainly just a sort of manic type state. (not always, but in many cases to some extent or another)
  2. In this condition - it is ESSENTIAL that you stay calm and do not get flustered - try to offset all negative thoughts and breathe through your nose. If both reasons 1 and 2 are present, sitting up may be your best option to prevent fainting.
  3. The sympathetic nervous system activity can be rapidly increased by exposure to cold temperatures (especially after a  period of stress) - this is reason behind some interrogation techniques used by CIA, British Intelligence, Iranian prison's and other law enforcement 'task operation'..the idea here is if the person is made uncomfortable, the cold interrogation room will increase the adrenaline which leads to a possibly faster confession by activating worry biologically in the suspect.
  4. Finally, the sympathetic nervous system can be activated when there is a 'heart block' which means that the heart's electrical activity/conductance is blocked - either by a genetic defect, or by an exogenous substance..when this happens, it is the body's 'backup response' used to re-start the hearts normal rhythm. Heart Block can be asymptomatic, however, it is commonly associated with either tachycardia or arrythmia..some forms of heart block can be deadly. 

TAKE NOTE : TACHYCARDIA is not necessarily dangerous - it may just be 'scary' or irritating and I've dealt with it successfully many times just have to play your cards carefully and *right* and recognize the reasons for the fast heart rate.

EXAMPLE in DIFFERENTIATING: If say you use a shit TON of yohimbine HCL (a common work out stimulant) and you experience a fast heart rate - this is not an uncommon effect..and often comes with psychological effects however, Because Yohimbine has a VERY short half life, about 0.5 - 1.5 hours, the best peace of mind comes from knowing it will be out of your system and you just have to get through that time period...there are ways to also counter-act this SAFELY during. 

 HOWEVER, OTHER FACTORS MAY AFFECT THE DURATION OF THE ADRENALINE SURGE CAUSED BY SUCH SUPPLEMENTS - SUCH AS ADDITIVE STRESS, AND USAGE OF OTHER 'SYNERGISTIC' DRUGS OR SUPPLEMENTS...examples also include ANTI-DEPRESSANTS and ANTI-PSYCHOTIC drugs as well as other affective drugs that act on similar pathways...if for example you are taking the anti-depressant IMIPRAMINE, WELLBUTRIN, or other drug known to act on norepinephrine systems - the effects of all other stimulants may be prolonged.This complicates the situation incredibly and unless you are a master at knowing BOTH your own body and pharmacology and dosages - you should contact a physician or medical center if it gets too unbearable. 



  • A revered scenario presented by multiple men when using too much of any cardiac-accessible/attributable stimulant is that your dick will shrivel up or shrink as with adrenaline and passing urine stream will be difficult (locked up) - when this happens - it's a good bet your blood pressure is on the HIGHER side..also the scrotum tends to thicken instead of becoming Looser (aka hanging) when adrenaline and blood pressure are HIGH.
  • Additionally, the veins in your hands and arms may be no longer visible even with those with low body fat - they may thin up and the existence of the 'pump' dissipates. Cold hands / feet may also occur when blood pressure rises.
  • You should still take your blood pressure anyways but  these above are accepted and 'wise' guidelines. 


Because cyclic AMP is a main generator of increased heart rate - neurologically you would focus on reducing sympathetic nervous system activity - HOWEVER it becomes tricky because each person's situation varies.

Generally, the neurotransmitter ACETYLCHOLINE is responsible for keeping heart rate under control (by muscarinic M2 receptors) - so parasympathomimetics may help. 

Additionally, acetylcholine helps regulate blood pressure as well.

Again, it will depend on HOW fast your heart rate is - some cases require emergency attention and faster outcome scenarios.

For acute, fairly mild or somewhat moderate fast heart rate, a supplement stack containing the following should be on hand. 
  • L-LYSINE (4-5 grams  at least)
  • Ashwagandha extract. (prevents breakdown of acetylcholine, calms nervous system, can address anxiety as well)
  • Something in addition to these two that reduces adrenaline secretion may be helpful - but only in highish blood pressure cases; magnolia officinalis may help along with the upper two. 

Additionally, you can keep beta-blocking drugs such as propanolol or bicoprolol on hand if possible HOWEVER you can NOT use these drugs in a HYPOTENSIVE-TACHYCARDIA where blood pressure is LOW and heart rate is HIGH.

In these cases, you should be extra cautious - if blood pressure falls below 90/60 then any 'messing' with the heart rate can be dangerous - even fatal. Again, these are not mild scenarios and are NOT to be taken lightly. Seek medical help and consult a physician.


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