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Friday, December 30, 2016

Does Proviron Boost Confidence? Research & Conclusions Drawn.

One of the many questions I'm asked daily, is ''what is a good substance to boost my confidence'', and what chemicals, if any, increase the 'manly' feeling.
Of course, manly can be seen as subjective, and is also slightly varied based on the area or country's definition of masculinity. 

As a general rule though, DHT-compounds and anything that boosts DHT tends to heighten confidence, at least a little bit. So the answer is actually pretty simple, but the bigger question is, how much of a confidence boost is one looking for and expecting from an exogenous substance.

Proviron, also known as Mesterolone, is a tablet, and has strong benefits against Depression [1] [2] [3], shows remarkable activity in boosting quality of life in those with Aging Male Syndrome (AMS, Andropause, Testosterone decline). This included a boost in confidence and quality of life as shown in the study. Mesterolone also has shown the ability to enhance mood and reduce Anxiety [4] [5], it has been frequently suggested to possess the ability to reverse deficits in brain function caused by androgen deficiency [6] [7] [8]

Lastly, Proviron seems to provide benefits in general nerve function, which may not be easily obtainable with other similar oral compounds, but can be replicated and more with Masteron [9].

So, the answer/s to this question.

  • Yes, Proviron does boost confidence, but not as much as Masteron.
  • Yes, Proviron boosts mood, but again, not as much as Masteron.
  • Yes, Proviron can counter cognitive issues and makes you feel 'on top of the world', when used properly.

So there you have it, the idea of Proviron as a confidence booster is not a new one, but it should be said it is not specifically designed for this purpose, and has never been used clinically specifically for confidence but rather for general Depressive-state, rather, Proviron doesn't rip away your emotions like SSRI's do, however.

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