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Saturday, August 6, 2016

PES Select Protein Snickerdoodle Flavor REVIEW (Physique Enhancing Science Select Protein Review)

This is my first review on a PES Protein product, I've tried other P.E.S products, like Anabeta Elite and Erase Pro, but never their protein. Upon my first drink (with whole milk) all I can say is ''Wow, this stuff is good". That's even an understatement, it tastes better than Syntha-6 and better than Optimum Nutrition's Whey. Some have claimed it is too sweet, I don't feel it is. The effects? Can't really say it 'feels' that much different than other protein, but I did notice a more 'content' feeling after a workout and there was a stronger muscle hardening effect. I can't attribute that entirely to the protein though, but I did recover a little quicker on this - and I wasn't taking ANY other supplements during my go with it, except a MultiVitamin. So there might be something to their Casein/Whey blend, and it seems they also add Leucine-peptides, which could contribute to the anabolic effect.

I ordered it from, but you could also order it on the P.E.S website or on Amazon {}.

Area-1255's Rating of P.E.S Select Protein Snickerdoodle is 5/5.

  • Absolutely delicious. Nothing like it, but only if you use 2% or Whole milk with it. It tastes better than any milkshake if you mix it right. In terms of taste, it is superior to other brands like Syntha-6 and O.N. They are close, though. 
  • I haven't tried the other flavors yet, but every time I drank the Snickerdoodle Protein, it was the original taste-euphoria all over again. Amazing, delectable taste. Not sure how else describe it.
It mixes very well, including in a regular cup and simply using a spoon to mix it - works well, but is preferable in a blender or shaker cup.

  • Seemed to speed up recovery, muscles seemed to gain a quicker dense feeling.
  • No bloating and not overly filling.
  • Seemed to boost energy and motivation.
  • It is not overly filling. After repeat drinks, it still mixes fine and tastes delicious. It isn't really 'heavy' but then again I only drank 3-4 shakes a day. 
  • It does not seem to have a noticeable effect on appetite, nor should it.
  • 29.99$ at is not bad. That gave roughly 30 servings.
  • Considering that it can be considered a bit steep, but considering the taste and lack of negative digestive effect - I'd say its a pretty fair price.
  • I'm not sure about the other flavors but I reckon they probably are similar in taste. 

Bodybuilding Store Page for PES Select Snickerdoodle.
~Other PES Product Reviews by Area-1255~

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