Best Testosterone Booster of 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!)

A study based on the findings of researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden got me interested in a possible link between Chromosome disorders and Brain Health. Even though the study demonstrated that Y-chromosome loss occurred in Chronic Smokers, that is, that in Male smokers Y-Chromosomes were not detected in their blood cells - there were also other, more significant implications. 

The implication was that the Y-Chromosome loss could - like many other cellular abnormalities, lead to increased risk of Cancer [1]. Because cellular abnormalities are also present in Mental Disorders - I decided to research a little more.

...Well, A LOT more.

Turns out that Y-Chromosome loss has also been found in....

  1. Those that successfully carry out a suicide [2].
  2. Alzheimer's Patients [3].
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Individuals (some) [4].
  4. Schizophrenics* [5].
  5. Those with other, diverse Brain abnormalities [6].
When I have a hunch: I'm usually right...

The National Institute of Health (NIH) published two main articles that everyone reading this article should read. They form the basis for most of this article...the difference is we made it easier - and more interesting. It is imperative to understand the information contained within the below articles in order to understand the concept of Chromosomes in Human Health, bodily/cellular Homeostasis and Disease, including Brain Disease.

The third article is also heavily important and expands in many ways on the first two, but the first two are prerequisites to understand fully the third, and how it relates to the Gut-Immune-Brain connection and links that all to chromosomes!

Y-Chromosome and Violence
Does anyone remember when a bunch of dubious reporters and pseudoscientists attempted to claim that if you "had an extra Y-chromosome you may be more prone to violence or even becoming a killer???". 

Of course, it was debunked.

What we later find out is that IF anything - its an extra X-Chromosome (passed from Mother to Child) that can lead to increased propensity for Aggression/Violence [7].

Not to mention the Warrior-gene is Maternally transmitted - and this gene has been associated with Violence, in Males [8].

...With that being said, it is hard to argue against the percentage of people in Prison who have an "extra-Y" who seem to also engage in more brutal and consistent acts of Aggression [9]

Problem is - we don't know if it is BECAUSE of the extra-Y or because of other similarities NOT CHECKED FOR in their genetic code...or possibly even epigenetic (drug or chemical induced changes in genes) or post-transcriptional changes (perhaps adaptational).

Indeed, other studies such as this one, have examined more in-depth a connection between specific Y-Chromosome abnormalities in certain families with other risk factors, and violence. Racial differences may also play a role [!].

Another Review made some other interesting points - perhaps elucidating a greater point that it is the combination of YYX-related "foundational" changes + other more historic (even ancient!) gene mutations that lay the groundwork and defective peddles for Abnormal Social and Violent behavior.

X-Chromosome, Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Cognitive Superiority or Inferiority

Although not the same, the X-Chromosome is passed from the Mother to a Male Child, and one from the Father to a female child and mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) is pretty universally, from the Mother to a Child of either sex.

...Whereas the X-Chromosome has been linked to Mental and Brain Disorders, the mtDNA concept is much more complex and we will get into that later in this article.

What we know is that *primarily*, X-Chromosome's can shape parts of the Brain concerning executive functions and decision making - X-Chromosome's contain information and sequences that allows the Prefrontal Cortex to develop properly (thickness and volume during early brain development) [!].

These are classified as "imprinting effects".

The X-Linked genes/code also contains unique sequences, which separately influences smaller, but arguably more important parameters like neurotransmitter receptor concentrations and thus influences specifically, Mental Functioning. 

...A parameter one could broadly speak of as pertaining to mainly "Stability" and "Clear-headedness" in this context as well as how one incorporates information into their lives...interestingly, a delusional symptom known as "Ideas of Reference" where one inappropriately and (often) dramatically incorporates elements; voices, words etc from TV/Media into their Life as if it has a direct meaning TO THEM - and directly matters as a "Message for God" or the Like. 

Is often linked to X-Chromosome defects in communication areas of the Brain..which encourages irrational Beliefs; whether expressed as "OCD" or Racing Thoughts or a 'true' Psychotic episode. In some cases, it is too many X-Chromosomes that can lead to Psychotic behaviors or Beliefs; including "Ideas of Reference".
[Gotz M. Results of the present study: XXX womenin Gotz M (ed): The Psychiatric Consequences of Sex Chromosome Abnormalities: A Cohort Study EdinburghUniversity of Edinburgh; 199662–68.]

This may indicate that, given the conformational roles of secondary genes in Respective Brain-regions associated with each Chromosomes distinct *primary* roles - that the Y-Chromosome can also be seen as a necessary "stability factor". That is - of course in the Gender Relevant; Males.

Many would wonder now how this all relates to either Superior or Inferior "Cognitive Function" domain.

Well since Ideas of Reference are (generally) not something that promotes 'true' Productivity, it should be seen as Inferior Cognitive Function - unless proven otherwise for that individual - but delusional thoughts simply can not be generalized as having "benefit" - even if they "bridge the gap" for Success...the motivational deficit already present within that person hints at a Cognitive Dysfunction that will, if not at the present moment, then later on in that persons Life, become a severe hindrance.

On the other hand, if an X-Chromosome contains the so-called "Genius Equilibrium" code - present in about 1% of European individuals [!] (mainly Swedish & Norman-French) and about 5% of Jewish descent individuals [!] (FOX03A Gene[Reference 1] [Reference 2]. Then Belief oriented behavior, Grandiose or not, could be portrayed as simply "ECCENTRIC" or "DRAMATIC" - and thus in Donald Trumps case - can be conferring utter 'Cognitive Superiority'. 

The PROOF is in the RESULTS for that Persons Life.

A number of X-linked genes [!] in East Asia may be the key to their frequently claimed unprecedentedly HIGH-INTELLIGENCE level and HIGH Average IQ level [see here].

X-Chromosome and Emotional Conditioning/Adaptation

The X-Chromosome plays a role in genes relating to emotional conditioning and adaptation as well as Social Function in Men & Women [10] [11].

Traits such as Resilience [12] and even darker traits like Machiavellinism or lack of empathy - all of which are seen in Psychopaths, may actually be more linked to X-Chromosome related protein changes [13]. Reading into that study, Klinefelter or XXY-males often* have reduced Empathy and eye-contact.

A Group of Atypical Presentation "Enhanced" Adaptation XXY-Males

Although most Men with an extra-X chromosome have some degree of Intellectual/Cognitive Impairment, sometimes lower IQ's and increased susceptibility to Autism or other "emotional cognition disorders" - there is a small population of XXY-males/Klinefelter Males that seems to exhibit the atypical presentation; Enhanced Adaptation and longevity as well as Superior Cognitive function [14]. One case also had a very HIGH IQ [15].

These could simply be isolated cases and attributed to other factors, but it could also be related to a parallel genetic composition occurring on the mitochondrial DNA in these Men. Since X-Chromosomes are, again, passed from Mother-to-Male-Child and and mtDNA, the would seem that in some cases (few) there can be a "benefit" to alterations in X-encoding in the Male.

...Problem is that usually stops at Cognitive function and does not impact other negatives of having an Extra-X, like reduced Testosterone levels in Men [16] and infertility [17].

In addition, extra-X or "Double X" syndrome in Males/Men seems to increase risk of AutoImmune diseases like Lupus [18].

The Physically/Mentally Weakened "FRAGILE MALE"

The whole 'Momma's Boy' or "weak male" hypothesis - marked by reduced/insignificant social status and introverted, shy/anxious or isolated personality *can* be associated with an Extra-X - although "fragile" in this context is usually talking about bone/muscle abnormalities in XXY-males [19] [20].

The research behind this hypothesis and the X-Chromosome linked issues could be related to Y-Chromosome loss as well - rather than simply an "EXTRA-X" [21]. Thus, XXY-Males or Klinefelter Syndrome Males (diagnosed) are at EXTRA risk if they say, start Smoking or engage in heavy usage of Nicotine.

This appears to be at least partly, related to reduced Testosterone levels in these AFFECTED Men [22] and altered Amygdala nerve activities [23]. NeuroCognitive problems in XXY-males may also stem from altered hormonal balance (imbalance) and brain regional differences [24].

Since Soy and other PHYTO (plant-derived) Estrogens can have unpredictable, sometimes catastrophic effects on Mental Health & Personality - as seen in "Soy-Boy" Phenomenon - it is reasonable to assert that neurotic, pessimistic, negativistic and even Sociopathic traits can be seen as a unique endocrine disorder related to Estrogen-dominance in Men & Women.


The X-Marks the Spot with Regards to Autism...

For years we've seen studies linking the X-Chromosome to Autism - but it is complex, in females with Autism the association is there, but less clear [25].
In Males, constituting the Gender with a larger incidence of Autism [26].

Its possible, that altered cell homestasis and cell membrane instability pre-and-post Birth in the developing Brain, caused by deletions, inactivations or X-induced overexpressions of candidate genes may be the central problem wherein Autism develops [27].

Since the X-Chromosome, to a large degree, determines developing Brain Structure (though not wholly so) - it is reasonable to assert that abnormalities may lead to the congenital hyperserotonemia found in Autism [28], and as well, possibly other larger changes [29] [30].

See: Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (NIH/PubMed)


As mentioned in previous paragraphs - the sex chromosome contribution to Brain/Mental Disease states is not SUFFICIENT to explain in totality the  occurrence of the various disorders - just that they are a CONTRIBUTING FACTOR...what happens At first (conception), in-between (prenatally/during pregnancy), post-birth and in early years is all CRITICAL. Things happen at different times and there is no single explanation that fits all. 


What is it that  makes Y-Chromosome LOSS lead to INCREASED risk for CANCER!??

It is - at least in part - defective "immune surveillance" caused by loss of Y-Chromosome mediated immune cell "programming" changes...that is - the Y-CHROMOSOME  appears essential for ACTIVE Immune-cell regeneration and surveillance activities [31].

Think about it like are at a Hospital, Patients constantly coming and going, YOU are an EMPLOYEE - what is ONE DUTY you constantly have? Making sure shit is clean! You inadvertently, have to hunt and destroy germs in attempt to keep people from getting sick (doesn't always work in that setting though!).

You have to have ENERGY to some degree, certainly focus, to make sure every table, seat and bed is CLEAN. Well - your immune cells have to have Energy and Focus too - they need nutrients and in-between MEALS just as we do...

Our meals...guarantee THEIR meals.

...But they also need the Y-Chromosome, which initiates and helps maintain  the whole process [32].

Many Mental Disorders begin with the Immune System.
  1. That is VERY clearly demonstrated as HIV/AIDS Patients develop a multitude of Psychiatric Complains and Disorders + have higher than normal rates of neurodegenerative disorders [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38].
  2. That is demonstrated with Herpes Simplex Viruses, which infiltrate the "neurological immune system" and destroy RAPHE NUCLEI neurons - often leading to Depression and OCD [39] [40] [41].
  3. It is demonstrated as when over-active immune systems, with or without an OFFICIAL autoimmune disorder, can lead to INFLAMMATION related Psychiatric disorders [42] [43] [44].
 "No I don't necessarily mean we Are Reincarnated as a 15th Century WarLord!"

While many of our Ancestors have had interesting pasts (no doubt all of them) - not every one of our Ancestors lived a Life as a Warrior, or exposing themselves to many Germs, or Traveling abroad so much that they interact with so many germs so as to create a state of "Cell-Memory" passed down to descendants.

...I do believe that certain adaptational traits, that is, Resistance to temperature extremes and Pain, in particular, can be passed down from "Warrior-Ancestors". 

However, it is difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to tell WHICH Warrior passed down which gene and when - and how - and which chromosome, and which part of DNA, and thus which sequence, and thus which proteins as a result of that sequence.

You really is THAT Complicated. 

You can "inherit" certain genes from either Parent, or there are some that influence behavior that you can ABSOLUTELY, assuredly only inherit from ONE-Parent, on ONE-Chromosome (Warrior Gene etc).

There are times where you get a COPY of a certain gene from BOTH parents - then you are what we call a "homozygote" or plural; homozygous for a certain gene.

In some cases...being a homozygote can be a good thing, say you possess the immune cell mutation "Delta-32" and you get a Copy from BOTH Parents...this renders you almost 100% Immune from being infected with HIV [!], without regard to number of exposures, and as well provides resistance to other germs like Smallpox and possibly bubonic Plague (less clear on that one though!).


Although at times I have great faith in the Medical System to do its job and to efficiently treat, even complex disorders, not all Physicians follow a reasonable code-of-logic

If following the literature, obviously Testosterone-treatment is mechanistically the greatest advantage for an XXY-Male, but if these individuals are also MARKED by Androgen-Insensitivity syndromes, where their body simply DOES NOT use or CONVERT Androgens *properly*...

It would seem a "RECEPTOR-SENSITIZER" + Pure DHT-related compounds would be the way to go...for these individuals.

  1. L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate (mainly) + Acetyl-L-Carnitine (for brain) can boost Androgen (hormone) Receptors [see here].
  2. Pure DHT, in the form of Masteron (drostanolone) injections can saturate without need to convert, the newly built androgen receptors. Mesterolone (Proviron) an oral DHT-tablet, taken by Mouth, has also been used in Klinefelters Syndrome, with moderate success [see here].
  3. Something like DNA-Force of Cell-Fuzion by InfoWars to rejuvenate DNA/Receptor cycles on a mitochondrial level - may be the best route and seems to be consistent with the most conclusive studies [see here] on DNA repair in relation to Sex Chromosome Abnormalities.
***These methods of course have not been tested in direct combination in a large-scale STUDY however, there are NO negative interactions between them and each method alone, from 1 to 3 has shown some MAJOR efficacy in treating XXY-related disorders...mainly Endocrine but also Cognitive [see here].

Carnitine-deficiency is also found in just about every infertile male [!] (side-note).


In this article we have explored many aspects of Chromosomal Disorders - mainly diving into the following Core Concepts (take-backs).

  1. That defects in Y-Chromosomes, loss of Y-Chromosomes (as with smokers) and other Y-abnormalities working towards a "deficient" picture, negatively impact the immune system; both regeneration and surveillance, and this can give rise to viral infections which exploit such a vulnerability - that otherwise may have not made their way into the Brain nor hindered any aspect of Cognitive/Intellectual function IF they were already present.

In/Tags: chromosome disorders and psychiatric disorders, chromosome disorders and brain, y-chromosome loss and schizophrenia, y chromosome deletion and mental illness, x-linked psychiatric diseases 2018, chromosomes and sociopathic behavior, dna repair sex chromosome abnormalities.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

KB4023057 Windows/Microsoft Update - Is it Legit? (Answered/Solved)

I found this on my installed programs list one day. I too, wondered what it was. So I did some digging. 

It turns out that this has also been discussed on Reddit [1], and is simply a Microsoft Reliability Update [2]. On Microsofts page for this installation, it states the following.

This update includes reliability improvements that affect the update components in Windows 10 Version 1507 and Windows 10 Version 1511.This update includes files and resources that address issues that affect the update processes in Windows 10.
These improvements ensure that quality updates are installed seamlessly to improve the reliability and security of Windows 10.

And more importantly...

Only certain builds of Windows 10 Version 1507 and Windows 10 Version 1511 require this update. Devices that are running those builds will automatically get the update downloaded and installed through Windows Update.
 Update replacement information
This update replaces the previously released update KB4022868.

So more or less this is a helpful update and should not be removed. 

I have not seen any evidence that it is a virus or backdoor, and I believe that if it was, it would show up on the list of database entries for malicious programs on any of the well-known anti-malware softwares, considering this topic has been discussed several times since early last month [2] [3].

If you have any computer support questions you may e-mail me at  


In/Tags: kb4023057, kb4023057 microsoft, kb4023057 windows 10, kb4023057 new windows, is kb4023057 a virus, is kb4023057 a backdoor, kb4023057 explanation, kb4023057 in installed programs, kb4023057 installation, kb4023057 installation fail, kb4023057 installation failure, kb4023057 trojan horse program, kb4023057 virus, kb4023057 worm, kb4023057 program details

The Power of Psychosis

CAUTION: This write-up is a poetic depiction of the most grandiose form of a Psychotic mind (or close to it), it does not reflect intent nor actual process of thought. It simply is deep Insight into the thoughts and ways of someone who embodies such traits.

In it's dark nature, Psychosis is a tidal wave carrying a mind through a storm and amplifying the lightning, with rounds of clarity drizzled with euphoric effect, a round of arrogance flashing in intervals, and every other second a glance at the self - feeling weakened and passive, then flustered, then angry, then there's the effect of total control - happening spontaneously after a bout of pure and utter RAGE. 

The faces of the past, enemies at all cost back then, but now they are victims. Victims of the very mind they accused. The final mind they will see before their maker. The judgement is strong. A valid fury that has honed its revenge in the mind of the Psychotic. The line has been drawn. Every dysphoric episode can fluctuate into something productive, but dysphoria can NEVER become euphoria unless it simmers and then rejects itself. Through a mind of disorganization finding peace in elation. By any means, with all tools - I get there because of the ventilation. An eye here, a critique there, a process of thinking to spare. The mind full of air is everywhere.

Now I wonder upon the world like I'm God. I'm fused with this power. I'm fused with favor and exercise all of my techniques on those who deserve it. A challenge in my past was anyone and everyone - because I haven't yet found my place. Anyone could become a target. But now I pick my battles with this fusion of chaos stabilized into a cold, calculating mind. Yet I fluctuate, but no one will ever know. Because its hidden. The hidden disaster awaits the enemy. It awaits any and all of my enemies. When they attack next, spiritual or not, they rise up only to find they smacked their heads against the heads of their allies, like the feeling of picking up something under a desk only to hit your head on it HARD. Guess what? That's the power of the mind. As it runs through your senses. I have begun, and the power of Psychosis has won.

Barlowe's Herbal Elixirs Muira Puama Extract Review (Review of Barlowes Muira Puama Supplements)

This article is a review of the following product.

Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is an Amazonian/brazilian plant [1] known to traditionally be used as a nerve tonic [2] and aphrodisiac [3], it contains lignans and possibly free-testosterone boosting compounds [4] [5] [6]. It also can be used as a memory booster.

Muira Puama's main mechanism of action though is most likely the following...

  • Dopamine D(1) Agonism [7] (stimulation) leading to increases in intracellular cAMP [8]
  • Beta-Adrenergic agonism complementing the above [9].
  • Acetylcholine increasing leading to sexual arousal by vasodilation [10].
Muira Puama therefore is a truly unique herbal supplement in that it takes action in a way that no other herbal remedy has been proven to. 

Here's the catch!
  • You need a QUALITY source and it takes time to work!
Barlowe's Herbal Elixirs in my opinion is the MOST quality source of this herb. I haven't found other companies who produce the same strength extract of this particular herb. Pictures are shown at the beginning of this article for proof the herb is what it is claimed to be.

- Smells slightly 'peppery' like black pepper. 
-Smells like fresh leaves in a rain forest (guess accurate).


  1. My experience is that Muira Puama produces a noticeable ''warming'' effect quite immediately.
  2. You might want to make sure if the weather is warm, even a tad bit, that you are prepared cus you will just feel warmer on this. I believe its partly a metabolism boosting effect and partly because of its stimulant effects.
  3. I noticed a particularly strong sexual arousal effect which was almost involuntary.
  4. I noticed a strong increase in libido after Day 2.
  5. Its one of the quicker acting herbals in these regards.
  6. I noticed improved reaction time and attention/focus.
  7. I noticed improved euphoric-response to music.
  8. I noticed increase in motivation.
  9. I noticed an increase in thought recall (say smart or tactical insights from earlier in the day that normally I would suppress and recall days later).
  10. Increased resolve and a more immediate readiness to put things in motion.
The effects of Muira Puama (for only 14$!) are very impressive. Normally you have to spend 50-60$ or more on nootropics to get the same effects. Especially surprising are #9 and #10; these effects are normally present when using some sort of major stim such as Amphetamine. So for such a cheap herbal to deliver the same effects is pretty magnificent.


  1. One capsule in the morning and one in the evening for the first few days.
  2. Then two capsules once per day in the morning only with Coffee for the rest of the duration (30-days).

One capsule didn't really do a whole lot in comparison to two at once. But I felt it. It seemed the warming effect on the entire body was most apparent at first. Then came the aphrodisiac effects, then came the nootropic effects. Its an odd order of effects for a supplement, for ANY supplement. But it is impressive.

The warming effects were a little unexpected, but not necessarily unpleasant. Interestingly, the ability to adapt to the heat was increased (probably due to increased sweating). The hot feeling was actually a bit euphoric. This is consistent with the effects of a cholinergic substance (look up muscarine or amanita muscarina mushrooms). This would mean muira puama is probably primarily cholinergic in action. 

I've heard of others who described muira puama this way as well [11] [12].

The effects on libido are based on a stimulating effect, not like Masteron or any kind of Testosterone-like substance, definitely alike to Amphetamine or another stimulant. There's even Insomnia on the days I've taken 3 capsules. Totally unnecessary to take that much. Stay at 2 capsules. Muira Puama's sexual arousal effects are also interesting, because they are involuntary. It's nerve based. Since its not an increase in flaccid hang like with the sexual enhancement Icariin 60. Therefore I'm pretty sure these effects aren't vascular.

The memory-boosting effects are mostly in terms of mental speed, but there's improved recall similar to the ingredient Galantamine, which also proves a cholinergic effect. Reaction time in martial arts training is improved, speed of kicks and swings and interpreting the response of trainee's and opponent fighters is improved.

Muira Puama is thus a very effective diverse ingredient, and sets itself apart from other substances (both pharma & natural). 


In/Tags: barlowes muira puama review, barlowes herbal elixirs muira puama, barlowe's herbal muira puama extract review, barlowes muira puama supplement, barlowes muira puama libido effect, Review of Barlowes Muira Puama Supplements

Icariin 60 / World ABS Icariin Review (Independent Review of World ABS 60% Icariin Horny Goat Weed Product)

This article is a Review of the product by World A.B.S / Icariin Health known as ICARIIN 60.

Besides knowing that the name "Horny Goat Weed" gets less funny over time - (at least for me), its fun to know that Horny Goat Weed ''products'' vary so much in color, strength and distribution [1]. What's more, is that most horny goat weed products that AREN'T tainted with some Viagra-like research drug, do little to nothing in regards to workout or sexual performance [2]. IF indeed the potency of Horny Goat Weed is some unrivaled force of nature, then you would have to pick a product with a high percentage of the active ingredient - like Icariin 60 [3].

So, being the perfectionist that I am - I decided to try this more expensive but highly reputed product.

Now take note the following.

  • I purchased this product myself; I did not get it free nor get an incentive for posting this review.
  • I took the product for a full month (30-days).
  • I did NOT use ANY other supplements besides Caffeine (JetAlert) while taking this product!

  • One capsule (300 mg) in the morning, afternoon and evening time; therefore three capsules per day.
What I've noticed is...
  1. A mild boost in strength with squats and bench press between the third and fourth day.
  2. After about a week a very clear increase in flaccid hang size.
  3. A very strong increase in mental aggression.
  4. A VERY strong pump that started from the end of the first week and takes little to initiate. (meaning even a few curls ignites a ridiculous pump!)
  5. That my working memory and reaction time went WAYYYY up!

Very clearly, this product increases pumps like no preworkout I've ever tried!
I'm talking about substantial showing of large engorged veins, especially so in the forearms, bicep and quads and the ACTUAL pumps during curls, bench press & Squats were absolutely insane! The product exceeds any other horny goat weed product I've tried (and most do not much anyway). The only thing that even COMPARES to this Horny Goat Weed product is Barlowe's Horny Goat Weed 20% Icariin. And I guess, for obvious reasons (percentage of Icariin), this product performs better. Still, like I've noticed nothing from NOW's product or even from the ''well-known'' bodybuilding products that SAY they include Horny Goat Weed - so this kinda reassures me of my own judgement - that pure products that only contain one ingredient (what is listed on the label) are worth it! Why do people even waste their time with ''propietary blends'' when you never know if they existence of one ingredient is valid?

Another article published by the National Institute of Health sort of gives a similar story - that a lot of products are so mixed that you can't really decipher which ingredients are actually doing the work, if doing anything at all. It also talks about psychoactive effects of the herbals.

The increases of flaccid hang size are interesting, since normally hanging is natural but ironically, this effect is more aesthetic than anything - and of course, any enhancement in this area is fun but not necessarily going to be worth the amount of money that some people go to spend on it.

With that being said, appearances are everything and so any sexual conquests are certainly even funner on this than on nothing - but that doesn't mean of course, that this is a necessary tool by any means. 

Reaction time noticeably was increased (say enhanced) on this - while performing Tae-Kwon-Do and other martial arts training - for whatever reason, this has an effect that exceeds similar (say hypothesized cholinergics) ingredients like Galantamine. I don't think its the acetylcholine-boosting effects alone, there has to be something else at play here.

The other thing that really appealed to me is the fact that this product actually ENHANCED my Cognition/Memory. Its not a product quite designed to do that, but some studies have shown that some other active constituents of the Horny Goat Weed plant can improve memory similarly to Dementia medications.

Icariin Health can be contacted at the following e-mail addresses.

  • (for general product questions or other questions regarding orders)
  • (for more complex questions or for marketing or sales operations or for order issues if info doesn't check out)


In/Tags: icariin60 review, world abs icariin review, world abs horny goat weed review, icariin supplement review, review of icariin health capsules, review of top icariin product on market

Causes of Tics Disorder & Natural Treatment (Neurotransmitter Levels in Tics/Tourettes Syndrome) Easy-List to write down!

Tics disorder is regarded as a milder form of Tourette's Syndrome (TS) and without the vocal symptoms [1]. However, in those affected, the symptoms of Tics can be just as stressful (and embarrassing) [2]. Tics disorder is defined by often multiple forms of motor tics; eye blinking, hand jerking, squeezing motions with the hand and sometimes other forms of muscle tightening and jerking [3]

The main causes of Tics are listed below. 

  • A genetic variant in the histamine-producing enzyme HDC; which leaves the brain with about half of its normal histamine production [4].
  • Too much of the serotonin 5-HT2A-receptor [5].
  • Increased norepinephrine (noradrenaline) [6] and decreased breakdown of norepinephrine [7].
  • Low Acetylcholine levels/activity [8]. Nicotine gum was shown to be effective in some TS-patients so nicotinic acetylcholine-receptors seem to be primarily involved [9].
  • Decreased glutamate activity in certain brain regions such as the substantia nigra pars, globus pallidus interna & globus pallidus externa  [10] [11].
  • Too much Cortisol/HPA responsivity [12].
In addition to that environmental/bodily factors such as...

  1. Stress [13].
  2. Allergen exposure [14].
  3. Infection [15].
  4. Inflammation [16].
  5. Anger/Agitation [17].
  6. Cardiovascular disease [18].
  7. Trauma (mainly head trauma) [19].
  8. Poor diet (too much sugar) [20].
  9. Sleep Deprivation/too little sleep [21] [22] [23].
  10. Chronic Health Issues [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29].
***Comments : Even though decreased brain histamine levels tend to be a genetic risk factor in Tics/Tourette's syndromes, you can't ignore the fact that all factors that INCREASE histamine (including stress & allergens) tend to increase Tics symptoms, so my guess is that the brain is also not using the histamine correctly. 

Also, the studies involving histamine-decarboxylase (HDC; the histamine producing enzyme) have not involved 100% of the families with known genetic TS. Therefore it is probable that not everyone has the exact same etiology. 

So to conclude, the reasonable way to treat Tics/Tourette's syndrome (without drugs) would be...

  1. L-Histidine supplementation (to raise brain histamine). 
  2. Metergoline or another serotonin antagonist (technically is a drug, but its safe). 
  3. Sympatholytic agents (things that decrease norepinephrine), possibly Ashwagandha extract because it can calm the nervous system and it also hits acetylcholine (raising it) which can  help with the other imbalances in Tics disorder.
  4. Glutamate is too tricky, but theoretically if low glutamate defines Tics then you could look into Glutamine and / or n-carbamyl-glutamate HOWEVER I have not heard of anyone who has had success in raising or lowering glutamate so I tend to think that the glutamate  abnormalties reported in Tics patients are more related to the decreased histamine and the issues with interneuron activity.
***Other Comments : Serotonin is not a guaranteed target, however since antipsychotic drugs that block serotonin receptors have proven efficacious in Tics disorder - it seems likely that this is the way to go. I'm not sure if lowering serotonin in general would help Tics, since it is ONLY the 5-HT2A-receptor that is abnormally elevated in Tics disorder.


Histamine control of Tourette syndrome (MedicalExpress Magazine)

In/Tags: causes of tics disorder, treatment of tics disorder, tics mild tourettes, treatment of tics disorders in adults, what causes tics disorder, what neurotransmitters tics disorder, easy list of neurotransmitter defects in tics disorder, tourettes syndrome and tics, neurochemical differences in tics disorder vs normal person, what neurotransmitters are wrong in tics disorder, what neurotransmitters are incorrect in tourettes syndrome, how to fix tics disorder, how to fix tourettes syndrome, how to  treat tics disorder, how to treat tourettes syndromes, tics  disorder, tics function in catecholamines, monoamines and tics disorder, monoamine oxidase a & b and tics disorder, monoamine oxidases in tourettes syndrome, overview of changes in tics disorder, brain changes in tics disorder, neurotransmitters tics list, how to treat tics with supplements, how to treat tourette's syndrome with supplements